“I pinch myself every day, knowing that I get to do what I love with a team I adore. I am incredibly grateful to all our customers who have supported us and shared in our journey as we grew because, without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’m just a country girl from Casino who arrived in Sydney with no contacts, a few dollars, and a big dream.”
Meet the Team

CEO & Founder
The Boss Lady. Makes decisions and serves as an excellent floatation device in water.
Loves: My job, dog & friends
Spirit Animal: Horse
Favourite Food: Almond Croissant

Head Of HR
The Ultimate People Person has all the tips, tricks and handy facts to get you acing trivia nights!
Loves: Travelling ✈️
Spirit Animal: Panda
Favourite Food: I don't play favourites with food 😋

Nau Nau
Assistant Director
The top dog and manipulator of people for outside time
Loves: Attention
Spirit Animal: Dominant like a Lion
Favourite Food: BBQ chicken and triple Brie